Sofia Lopez Bilbao, R.Psych

I would describe myself as a “psychology nerd”, because I truly love what I do, and I am always eager to learn more about mental health, and new ways in which I can support my clients.

I have been working in the mental health field for the last 13 years, and have been providing counselling to clients since 2020. Throughout my experience, I have learned a lot about the importance of emotional regulation, and maintaining a well regulated nervous system for our emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.

I love working with individuals with ADHD. Sometimes it is not just about the difficulties that ADHD presents, but also all of the related factors that come up as a result of ADHD. For example, you might notice you are very hard on yourself, and your confidence suffers as a result. Maybe without the proper tools to manage your symptoms, anxiety has become a constant in your life. Perhaps you are completely overwhelmed with day to day tasks, which leads to problems like procrastination, emotional dysregulation, and a feeling of hopelessness or not being good enough. My approach is to help you work with your brain, rather than against it.

Other areas I specialize in - which are often connected to ADHD - are trauma, and relationship issues. I enjoy watching clients grow and create deeper connections with their loved ones.

I could really go on forever about what I do, and why I’m so passionate about it all, but with my ADHD folks in mind, I will keep this brief. I invite you to book a free consult with me if what you have read resonates with you and you would like to know more.

Find the Light in Your Life